Walking directions from Pushkinskaya metro station
Photo route from Pushkinskaya metro station
~6 mins from Pushkinskaya / Chekhovskaya / metro stations (exit 13)
Bolshaya Dmitrovka ulitsa, 22.
When leaving Pushkinskaya metro station, take exit 11.

Turn right onto Bolshaya Dmitrovka:

And follow Bolshaya Dmitrovka past the building of the Federation Council:

The rental center is located in building number 22 to the right of the “SEMPRE” restaurant:

Entrance is directly from the street (central door).
Door lock code: 54321 [handset button] .

Please note that you can enter the hall no earlier than 15 minutes before booking starts.
Photo route from Tverskaya metro station
~8 mins from Tverskaya metro stations (exit 8)
Bolshaya Dmitrovka ulitsa, 22.
When leaving Tverskaya metro station, take exit 8. Turn left and go straight along Tverskaya street.

When you reach Tverskaya Square, turn left and go straight:

Turn left and go through the crosswalk to Bolshaya Dmitrovka:

The rental center is located in building number 22 to the right of the “SEMPRE” restaurant. Entrance is directly from the street (central door):

Door lock code: 54321 [handset button] .

Inside you need to go up to the 2nd floor. Our door is number 1. On the code panel, enter your PIN code and press the # key.

Please note that you can enter the hall no earlier than 15 minutes before booking starts.
Video route
Here is Instagram video route.