Walking directions to Klimentovsky rental center

~2 min from Novokuznetskaya metro station (exit 1)

Klimentovsky pereulok, 6, entrance 1, 2nd floor, apartment 8.

Photo route

When leaving the metro, take exit 1. After exiting the metro, turn left:

Exit from the Novokuznetskaya metro station

Find the tram tracks and follow the sidewalk along them to the right:

Turn to the tram tracks

Continue straight until you reach the intersection with Klimentovsky pereulok:

The path along Sadovnichesky Proezd The path along Sadovnichesky Proezd

At the intersection, turn left and walk forward across the tram tracks to Klimentovsky pereulok:

Turning at an intersection Tram tracks

You will find yourself near a building with a round bay window on the corner. Not far from this corner there is entrance number 1 — this is our entrance. Go inside using the intercom code — 00008B:

Entrance to the building Building door

Inside, go past the elevators to the end and go up 1 staircase, door to the center on the right (number 8).
Or you can take the elevator to the second floor and go down one flight of stairs:

Hall Ladder Photo of the entrance to the rental center

The passage to the offices and toilets is behind the door in the waiting area.
Behind this door are rooms, 2 toilets and 1 cooler.


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