Rent a psychologist offices

Opening hours: from 11:00 to 22:00.
Schedule and booking here.
3 min. from metro station Smolenskaya (exit 1).
Parking: city
1 toilet.
Wi-Fi: t.frame: up to 20 Mbpsthe password is on the back of the room door.
Waiting area: есть

Rooms of center


To conveniently see the free time slots of all the rooms of the center or a specific room, then you are here - in the schedule of this center. You can also book there.

If you need to find a free room for a specific date and time, and at the same time its location does not play a decisive role, then we recommend using a through search for all locations. In this case, you can display all the results on the map, as well as, if necessary, filter and sort the results.

How to get there?

From metro Smolenskaya take exit 1. After leaving the metro, cross the square in front of the metro in the direction of “Mu-Mu”. When exiting the arch, turn left until you reach the intersection, where you should turn right (against the traffic of cars). You need to go through the “Invitro” clinic towards Karmanitsky lane 3. The entrance to the center is in the house with the sign “Tea Club [T.Frame]”.
Video route.

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