Walking directions from Pushkinskaya metro station

~1 min from Pushkinskaya / Chekhovskaya / Tverskaya metro stations (exit 12)

Strastnoy boulevard, 4, stroenie 3, 3rd floor.

Photo route

When leaving the metro, take exit 12.

Turn left into arch

Go straight through the arch:

Archway Second arch on the way

Here is out entrance number 6. Door lock code is В52В2699В or В51В6818В (both codes are correct).

Entrance number 6

Inside, go up to the 3rd floor as shown below. This is the only way, it is difficult to get lost, but just in case, here are the pictures with arrows:

Turn right up the stairs Spiral staircase Turn right again The last climb on the way

Having risen, find our plate and go through the grate (the gate must be open; if not, you will need to press the bell button to flat 48).
Enter to flat 48, our rooms has numbers 1, 3, 4 and 5.

Grille in front of the flat

Here is Instagram video route.


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