Hourly rental of rooms with stain-resistant upholstered furniture

  • Uphols­te­red fur­ni­ture with dirt to­le­ran­ce: Yes ×

We have 19 rooms for 2 persons.

  • Quality
    Bakuninskaya rental center

    14 m² Up to 4 persons

    14 m² Up to 4 persons

    4 min. from Baumanskaya

    Baumanskaya 4 min. пешком

    Room details…

    4.9 (33 ratings)
  • S-6

    600–650 ₽ в час
    4.9 (12 ratings)
    Strastnoy rental center

    18 m² Up to 8 persons

    18 m² Up to 8 persons

    1 min. from Pushkinskaya, Chekhovskaya, Tverskaya

    Pushkinskaya, Chekhovskaya, Tverskaya 1 min. пешком

    Room details…

    4.9 (12 ratings)
  • S-3

    600–650 ₽ в час
    4.9 (16 ratings)
    Strastnoy rental center

    13 m² Up to 5 persons

    13 m² Up to 5 persons

    1 min. from Pushkinskaya, Chekhovskaya, Tverskaya

    Pushkinskaya, Chekhovskaya, Tverskaya 1 min. пешком

    Room details…

    4.9 (16 ratings)
  •  Soundproofing
    Good Wi-Fi


    475–525 ₽ в час
    4.9 (21 rating)
    Myasnitskaya 8 rental center

    8 m² Up to 4 persons

    8 m² Up to 4 persons

    2 min. from Lubyanka, Kitay-Gorod

    Lubyanka, Kitay-Gorod 2 min. пешком

    Room details…

    4.9 (21 rating)
  •   Soundproofing
    Good Wi-Fi


    800 ₽ в час
    5 (39 ratings)
    Myasnitskaya 8 rental center

    20 m² Up to 14 persons

    20 m² Up to 14 persons

    2 min. from Lubyanka, Kitay-Gorod

    Lubyanka, Kitay-Gorod 2 min. пешком

    Room details…

    5 (39 ratings)

There are several types of furniture that are not afraid to get dirty. This is, firstly, leather furniture, secondly, solid cabinet furniture, and, finally, upholstered furniture in Chistetika fabric.

This can be important for renting rooms for art therapy, and the ability to not be afraid to spill coffee will help to relax.