Rent a psychologist offices

Address: Zubovsky proezd, 2k2, entrance 1, 1st floor (how to get there?)
Opening hours: from 8:00 to 22:00.
Schedule and booking here.
5 min. from metro station Park Kultury (exit 1).
Photo route.
2 toilets.
Wi-Fi: psychoplace: up to 25 Mbpsthe password is on the back of the room door.
Waiting area: есть
Optional equipment: Флипчарт (1 pcs) ⋅ Кольцевая лампа (2 pcs) ⋅ Пелёнка для массажа ⋅ Массажный стол (2 pcs) ⋅ Йога-коврик (4 pcs) и прочее.
More about the place

This is the newest rental center that meets all our quality standards. 4 rooms with designer renovation, a spacious and stylish waiting area with a kitchen and two bathrooms. The kitchen has a refrigerator (no freezer) with milk and cream, a dishwasher, a water filter, a Nespresso Vertuo capsule coffee machine, a smart cappuccino maker, a set of cups and plates. The rental price includes instant coffee, cocoa and bagged tea. Nesoresso capsules — for a fee (online payment by bank card is available using a QR code on site). The place has lockers for storing your personal belongings.

Entrance and hall

Here you can see how the common area looks like. You can find pictures of individual rooms on their respective pages.

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Rooms of center

Optional equipment

The order for this equipment is placed separately on the specific booking page.

  • Флипчарт — 1 pcs;
  • Кольцевая лампа — 2 pcs;
  • Пелёнка для массажа;
  • Массажный стол — 2 pcs;
  • Йога-коврик — 4 pcs;
  • Бумага;


To conveniently see the free time slots of all the rooms of the center or a specific room, then you are here - in the schedule of this center. You can also book there.

If you need to find a free room for a specific date and time, and at the same time its location does not play a decisive role, then we recommend using a through search for all locations. In this case, you can display all the results on the map, as well as, if necessary, filter and sort the results.

How to get there?

After exiting the metro through exit 1, turn left and follow the Garden Ring to Zubovsky Proyezd, turn left into it. Enter the first courtyard on the left with a barrier, walk forward to entrance No. 1 and enter your personal code on the black code panel.
Photo route.


Underground parking at Lev Tolstoy street, building 16:
  • 100 parking spaces — 300₽/hour around the clock;
  • Contacts for communication — +7 (499) 652-58-15.
Panoramic tour 360°

By clicking on the "Start tour" button, you can walk around this center!

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