Rooms from PsychoPlace
With additional sound insulation and daily cleaning.
office supplies and everything for a coffee break — inside each rooms.
Clear calendar
Online schedule
Choose only among available rooms
A convenient booking system that eliminates overlaps - you see available slots for each room.
Booking without prepayment
Instant booking
Any room can be booked without waiting for confirmation
Book in 2 clicks (in 5 seconds)
Electronic locks
Smart locks instead of stuff
Access by personal pin code during booked hours
All processes are automated - it's fast and convenient.
Customer support
One stop service and free protection for every booking

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Are you really working?
Yes. Having paid for the reservation on the site, you are guaranteed to be able to use the office.
How to get into the room?
The door to the office is opened with a four-digit PIN code on the panel by the door or with a button on the website. The PIN code is issued on the first booking. For more details and visualization, see our mini-tutorial.
Well, good. I want to see the room live before booking. There was already a bad experience when there is one thing in the photo, but in life it is much worse. Is it possible?
Of course! We are also often told about the differences in the photo and in life, however, for the better. Drive up when the office is free according to the schedule and call us from the door - we will open an office for you remotely.
When can I enter the room?
It depends on whether the room is busy in the schedule or not. If busy, you can enter 2 minutes before the start of your booking time. If free — 10 minutes before.
We are targeting internet time as displayed on smartphones. In the "Schedule" section, the time indicator (red line) is displayed for today.
When do you need to leave the room?
If the next reservation is scheduled after you, your rental will end 2 minutes before your time is up.
If the room is free after you, you can stay for 15 minutes.
When can I enter the rental center waiting area?
Not earlier than 15 minutes before the start of your booking.
The previous people have already left, but the system does not let me in for 10 minutes!
They can return at any time (for example, forgetting something in the room). Therefore, the system will only allow you to enter in 2 minutes if the bookings are in a row.
Why do I need to clean up after myself? Not so in other centers.
Our centers operate without administrators. Customers are responsible for the condition of the rooms. That's how we keep rental costs down.
The previous tenant left the garbage and rearranged the furniture, what should I do?
Be sure to let us know. Each booking on the site has a “Report a problem” button.
You will need to prepare the room for your session yourself.
Based on the results of the incident, we can impose a fine on the violator and in some cases credit compensation to your account.
I was fined for the garbage that was in the room before I arrived!
This means that you didn't report the trash to us, and the next customer did.
This is how our liability system works. If something is wrong in the room, you must either inform us, or a fine will be assigned to you.
Be sure to let us know. Every booking on the website has a “Report a Problem” button. Based on the results of the incident, we may issue a fine to the offender and in some cases credit your account with a refund.
The system asks to enter bank card details for each booking, is it possible to avoid this?
Sure! You can top up your internal account and spend funds from it. Learn more here.
How to understand if the room is booked or not?
After any successful operation (booking, changing, canceling or splitting), you will see a cat.
The booking will be displayed in the "My bookings" section, as well as in the "Schedule" section of the corresponding center.
If you have provided an e-mail, you will receive a confirmation letter.
If you paid by card, then funds will be debited from it.
How can I choose the room?
There is a search form at the top of the home page of the site. Specify the number of people (including you if you will be in the room).
By clicking on the "Filters" button, you can specify specific requirements, such as the presence of a projector, mirror, air conditioning, or a metro station.
Do you have a Wi-Fi network?
There are almost everywhere. If there are problems with the Internet in the room, it is indicated in its description.
The password for access is present on the door inside the room.
In search filters, you can specify, that you need an room suitable for webinars and online consultations.
The water cooler does not work in the room!
Most likely, the cooler is still working. For all the time of our work, there were only two cases when the cooler really broke down. And we replaced them.
Usually, one or more reasons work at once:
  • cooler not plugged in;
  • the hot water button has a so-called child protection or, which is the same, protection against accidental pressing (always on all our coolers, because we care about you);
  • someone turned off the heating and / or cooling of the water with their on / off buttons on the back of the cooler;
  • (rarely) the cooler has run out of water (the spare bottle is somewhere nearby, you don’t need to lift it, because all our coolers are bottom-loaded — just slide the bottle into the cooler instead of the empty one); if there is no spare bottle (very rarely), let us know, and we will promptly order water for you;
  • (rarely) it is necessary to open the door behind which there is a bottle, and slightly correct the pin inserted into the bottle for water intake. If necessary, contact us, and we will consult in detail what kind of pin and how it should be corrected.
I forgot my things in the room, and the rental time has already ended. How to be?
If you remembered something you forgot in room short time after the end of your booking, then you will probably still be able to enter the room using your PIN code: it is valid for another 15 minutes after the end of your booking.
Extremely It is advisable to pick up the left things as soon as possible. Preferably on the same day, even if there are no other tenants after you that day. Remember that we are not responsible for them and will not do investigations, which of the many tenants could take the thing you forgot, and whether our cleaner simply did not see this thing, and did not take it for himself.
Remember that the probability of returning the forgotten item decreases every hour.
To pick it up, check when the room is free according to the schedule, come back and write to us. We will open the room door remotely.
In cases where our cleaner independently discovers a thing forgotten by someone, he puts it in a public place (pantry, closet or chest in the corridor, etc.). Remember that if, for example, on Monday you learned from us that the forgotten thing is there, and you decide to pick it up, say, in a few days, weeks or, especially months, the probability that you will succeed is different from 100%.
Anything else I need to know about?
We recommend reading our full rules. Familiarity with the rules will help you quickly navigate the possibilities of our service, avoid fines, misunderstandings with other tenants, etc.
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